Source code for gpib_ctypes.gpib.gpib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ctypes
import os
import sys
import platform

from .constants import *

# load the GPIB dynamic library using ctypes
_lib = None

def _load_lib(filename=None):
    """Attempt to load the GPIB library from the given filename.
    If filename is ommitted, try several likely paths.

        filename (str): path to GPIB library, default None

        bool: library found and loaded

    global _lib
    _lib = None

    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        libnames = [filename] if filename else \
                    '', '']
        loader = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary
        # most likely Linux with linux-gpib
        libnames = [filename] if filename else ['', '']
        loader = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary

    for libname in libnames:
            _lib = loader(libname)
        except OSError:

    if not _lib:
        # Warn the user but still load the module.
        # This is necessary for eg. docs generators to work without having
        # GPIB installed.
        import warnings
        message = "GPIB library not found. Please manually load it using _load_lib(filename). All GPIB functions will raise OSError until the library is manually loaded."

        class MockGPIB(object):
            def __getattr__(self, n):
                def f(*args):
                    raise OSError(message)
                return f

        _lib = MockGPIB()
        return False

    # prepare ctypes bindings
    for name, argtypes, restype in (
        ("ibask", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,
                   ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibclr", [ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibcmd", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_long], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibconfig", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibdev", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,
                   ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibln", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,
                  ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short)], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibloc", [ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibonl", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibrd", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_long], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibrsp", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibsic", [ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibsre", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibtmo", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibtrg", [ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibwait", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibwrta", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p,
                    ctypes.c_long], ctypes.c_int),
        ("ibwrt", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_long], ctypes.c_int),
        ("iblines", [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(
            ctypes.c_short)], ctypes.c_int)
        libfunction = _lib[name]
        libfunction.argtypes = argtypes
        libfunction.restype = restype

    # implementation-specific special cases
        _old_ibfind = _lib.ibfind
        _old_ibfind.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
        _old_ibfind.restype = ctypes.c_int
        setattr(_lib, "ibfind", lambda name: _old_ibfind(name.encode('ascii')))
    except AttributeError:
        # Windows Unicode version ibfindW
        _lib.ibfindW.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p]
        _lib.ibfindW.restype = ctypes.c_int
        setattr(_lib, "ibfind", _lib.ibfindW)

        _lib.ibspb.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_short)]
        _lib.ibspb.restype = ctypes.c_int
    except AttributeError:
        # some Windows GPIB libraries do not provide ibsp
        # but maybe it is not needed, so gently warn the user it is missing
        import warnings
        message = "{:s} does not implement ibspb() on this platform.".format(
        warnings.warn(message, ImportWarning)

        def _ibspb(*args):
            raise NotImplementedError(message)
        setattr(_lib, "ibspb", _ibspb)

        _lib.ThreadIbsta.restype = ctypes.c_int
        setattr(_lib, "getibsta", _lib.ThreadIbsta)
    except AttributeError:
        setattr(_lib, "getibsta", lambda: ctypes.c_int.in_dll(_lib, "ibsta"))

        _lib.ThreadIbcntl.restype = ctypes.c_long
        setattr(_lib, "getibcntl", _lib.ThreadIbcntl)
    except AttributeError:
        setattr(_lib, "getibcntl", lambda: ctypes.c_long.in_dll(_lib, "ibcntl"))

        _lib.ThreadIberr.restype = ctypes.c_int
        setattr(_lib, "getiberr", _lib.ThreadIberr)
    except AttributeError:
        setattr(_lib, "getiberr", lambda: ctypes.c_int.in_dll(_lib, "iberr"))

    return True


[docs]class GpibError(Exception): """Exception class with helpful GPIB error messages GpibError(gpib_function_name) """ _explanation = { EDVR: "system error", ECIC: "not CIC", ENOL: "no listener", EADR: "CIC and not addressed before IO", EARG: "bad argument to function call", ESAC: "not SAC", EABO: "IO aborted", ENEB: "GPIB board offline", EDMA: "DMA hardware error", EOIP: "previous IO still in progress", ECAP: "not capable", EFSO: "file system operation error", EBUS: "bus error", ESTB: "lost serial poll bytes", ESRQ: "SRQ stuck on", ETAB: "table overflow", ELCK: "interface locked", EARM: "failed to rearm", EHDL: "invalid handle", EWIP: "previous wait still in progress", ERST: "event notification cancelled due to reset", EPWR: "interface lost power" } def __init__(self, funcname): self.code = _lib.getiberr() self.sverrno = None if self.code in (EDVR, EFSO): self.sverrno = ibcnt() message = "{:s}() error: Errno {:d}, {:s}".format( funcname, self.sverrno, os.strerror(self.sverrno)) else: try: expl = GpibError._explanation[self.code] except KeyError: expl = "unknown error" message = "{:s}() error: Iberr {:d}, {:s}".format( funcname, self.code, expl) super(GpibError, self).__init__(message)
[docs]def ask(handle, conf): """Query configuration by calling ibask. Args: handle (int): board or device handle conf (int): gpib.Iba* constant designating configuration settings Returns: int: configuration setting value """ result = ctypes.c_int() sta = _lib.ibask(handle, conf, ctypes.byref(result)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("ask") return result.value
[docs]def clear(handle): """Clear device by calling ibclr. Args: handle (int): device handle Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibclr(handle) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("clear") return sta
[docs]def close(handle): """Close board or device handle by calling ibonl. Args: handle (int): board or device handle to close Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibonl(handle, 0) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("close") return sta
[docs]def command(handle, cmd): """Write command bytes by calling ibcmd. Args: handle (int): board handle cmd (bytes): sequence of bytes to write Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibcmd(handle, cmd, len(cmd)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("command") return sta
[docs]def config(handle, conf, value): """Change configuration by calling ibconfig. Args: handle (int): board or device handle conf (int): gpib.Ibc* constant designating configuration settings value (int): configuration setting value Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibconfig(handle, conf, value) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("config") return sta
[docs]def dev(board, pad, sad=NO_SAD, tmo=T30s, sendeoi=1, eos=0): """Get a device handle by calling ibdev. Args: board (int): board number pad (int): primary address sad (int): secondary address, default gpib.NO_SAD tmo (int): timeout constant, default gpib.T30s sendeoi (int): assert EOI on write, default 1 eos (int): end-of-string termination, default 0 Returns: int: board or device handle """ ud = _lib.ibdev(board, pad, sad, tmo, sendeoi, eos) if ud < 0: raise GpibError("dev") return ud
[docs]def find(name): """Get a device handle based on a name from configuration file by calling ibfind. Args: name (string) Returns: int: board or device handle """ ud = _lib.ibfind(name) if ud < 0: raise GpibError("find") return ud
[docs]def ibcnt(): """Get number of transferred bytes by calling ThreadIbcntl or reading ibcnt. Args: none Returns: int: number of transferred bytes """ return _lib.getibcntl()
[docs]def ibloc(handle): """Push device to local mode by calling ibloc. Args: handle (int): device handle Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibloc(handle) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("ibloc") return sta
[docs]def ibsta(): """Get status value by calling ThreadIbsta or reading ibsta. Args: none Returns: int: ibsta value """ return _lib.getibsta()
[docs]def interface_clear(handle): """Clear interface by calling ibsic. Args: handle (int): board handle Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibsic(handle) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("interface_clear") return sta
[docs]def lines(board): """Obtain the status of the control and handshaking bus lines of the bus. Args: board (int): board handle Returns: int: line capability and status bits """ result = ctypes.c_short() sta = _lib.iblines(board, ctypes.byref(result)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("lines") return result.value
[docs]def listener(board, pad, sad=NO_SAD): """Check if listener is present at address by calling ibln. Args: board (int): board or device handle, or board number pad (int): primary address sad (int): secondary address, default gpib.NO_SAD Returns: bool: True if listener is present, False otherwise """ present = ctypes.c_short() sta = _lib.ibln(board, pad, sad, ctypes.byref(present)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("listener") return bool(present)
[docs]def read(handle, length): """Read a number of data bytes by calling ibread. Args: handle (int): board or device handle length (int): number of bytes to read Returns: bytes: sequence of bytes which was read """ retval = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) sta = _lib.ibrd(handle, retval, length) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("read") return retval[:ibcnt()]
[docs]def remote_enable(handle, enable): """Set remote enable by calling ibsre. Args: handle (int): board handle enable (int): if non-zero, set remote enable Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibsre(handle, enable) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("remote_enable") return sta
[docs]def serial_poll(handle): """Read status byte by calling ibrsp. Args: handle (int): device handle Returns: int: serial poll status byte """ status = ctypes.c_char() sta = _lib.ibrsp(handle, ctypes.byref(status)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("serial_poll") return int(status.value[0])
[docs]def spoll_bytes(handle): """Get length of status byte queue by calling ibspb. Args: handle (int): device handle Returns: int: status byte queue length """ length = ctypes.c_short() sta = _lib.ibspb(handle, ctypes.byref(length)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("spoll_bytes") return length.value
[docs]def timeout(handle, t): """Set IO timeout by calling ibtmo. Args: handle (int): board or device handle t (int): timeout, one of constants from gpib.TNONE to gpib.T100s Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibtmo(handle, t) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("timeout") return sta
[docs]def trigger(handle): """Trigger device by calling ibtrg. Args: handle (int): device handle Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibtrg(handle) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("trigger") return sta
[docs]def version(): """Get the GPIB library version. Not implemented on Windows. Args: none Returns: str: GPIB library version """ try: ver = ctypes.c_char_p() _lib.ibvers(ctypes.byref(ver)) return ver.value except AttributeError: return None
[docs]def wait(handle, eventmask): """Wait for event by calling ibwait. Args: handle (int): board or device handle eventmask (int): ibsta bits designating events to wait for Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibwait(handle, eventmask) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("wait") return sta
[docs]def write(handle, data): """Write data bytes by calling ibwrt. Args: handle (int): board or device handle data (bytes): sequence of bytes to write Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibwrt(handle, data, len(data)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("write") return sta
[docs]def write_async(handle, data): """Write data bytes asynchronously by calling ibwrta. Args: handle (int): board or device handle data (bytes): sequence of bytes to write Returns: int: ibsta value """ sta = _lib.ibwrta(handle, data, len(data)) if sta & ERR: raise GpibError("write_async") return sta